All INCLUDE Products are available free of charge and subject to the license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Learn more here!
Inclusive leadership in the digital age
Many managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), small and medium-sized organisations (SMOs), start-ups and vocational training providers face a dilemma. They ask themselves: How can I lead my organisation when I myself am not at all sure where the digital journey is going? How can we successfully shape the future of our organisation together? The INCLUDE project helps to address two central developments of our time: the trend towards flatter hierarchies and shared responsibility and the digitalisation of all economic sectors. Both aspects show the need to develop a new practical and innovative leadership approach in the age of digitalisation.
To ensure the future viability of organisations, changes in management behaviour are indispensable. The biggest hurdle is to sensitise the team of managers to the necessary changes in management behaviour. We firmly believe that the INCLUDE products developed in the project are valuable tools for preparing and implementing this change process.
About the project
The aim of the project is to support SMEs, SMOs as well as start-ups and VET providers in meeting the daily challenges of digital transformation with a contemporary, inclusive leadership approach. INCLUDE provides learning and teaching materials for leaders and people who want to take on more responsibility. With these materials managers can learn “inclusive leadership in the digital age” step-by-step while on the job, and apply it directly in their everyday work (work-based learning). INCLUDE also supplies further education providers and freelance trainers in vocational education and training with materials for further education courses, including a sample curriculum. Four freely accessible online products have been developed.
INCLUDE is a practical and innovative leadership approach that takes into account the challenges of the digital age and provides managers and employees who want to take on more responsibility with a step-by-step guide that supports them in their development towards (more) inclusive leadership. The INCLUDE products offer a holistic framework that paves the way for inclusive leadership.
The INCLUDE project was funded within the framework of a “Strategic Partnership” in the EU programme “Erasmus+”.
INCLUDE Products und Downloads
All INCLUDE Products are freely available to download online:
The handbook “Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age: Handbook for Leaders and Everyone who Wants to Become One” delivers learning material that supports on the job learning of new and modern concepts of leadership. The Handbook includes several methods and instruments that are all suited to future-proof the leadership of small and medium organisations as well as start-ups.
The process model “Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age: Foundations for Leaders and Everyone who Wants to Become One” comprehensively shows how a new leadership style can be introduced within the context of digital transformation processes. It provides a step-by-step introduction for small and medium-sized organisations as well as start-ups.
The curriculum “Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age: Content for Trainings and Workshops” shows, according to EQR level 5, what skills and knowledge inclusive leaders need to acquire to independently and responsibly solve the problems posed by digital transformation in their organisation together with their colleagues.
Are you curious about inclusive leadership? The Email Course “Inclusive Leadership in the Digital Age” provides an easy step-by-step entry into the topic. Weekly mails shed light on how to better work together as a team.
PLEASE NOTE: all further language versions of the INCLUDE products can be found directly on the INCLUDE-Project Website.